My Concerns

I worry for the future. I worry for what people are prepared to do. Through the implementation of philosophies generated in the echo chambers of minds that innately fail to see more than one perspective. Their goal? Equality. Liberation. Revolution. Order. Protection. Patriotism. Words formed through the evolution of language in to perfect ideals, that operate more like paroxysms of thought spewed forth from the gestalt. Perceived as ideals to attain and enforced on a world that resists.

Universal truth... Fake news. Liberté, égalité, fraternité of old white men or stupidity. Independence from responsibility and thought. A sea change from temperance to extreme weather conditions. Love for you fellow man belied by the hatred for his works. Freedom of expression, thought and action, but only for those who think act and express themselves like you.

Why do I worry? Why would I not? I still have the hope that many more years of experience will come my way. Yet that experience may not be what I wish for. I may be forced to leave my home and my love due to the patriotism and the blinkered understanding of others claiming ‘liberation’ from a liberating force. If I am not I may have all that I worked for removed from me by the attempts at equality and revolution of yet more un-named others.

Progress progresses while ideals remain the same. The physical world reacts faster than the ideas formed within it. Modus operandi obsoleted but not abandoned. The software rewritten while the hardware remains, indifferent to its use. Enabling. Alien. Base. Uncaring.

What can I do? Nothing I state my feelings blind to the goal of changing opinions or the future. When change is attempted a reverse reaction occurs that is often not expected, only to have a greater effect than the original action. This is does not conform to thermodynamics. This is an emotional reaction. This is everything from revenge to jealousy to spite. I prefer apathy. Less lack of concern, more a control self and not of others.

Calls to action fall on deaf ears. Consensus is delusional unless it is constructed by fear and terror.

Again more words.


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