She who shouts loudest, has the least to say.

I have never been a socialist and have always had an intrinsic caution towards anybody who loudly shouts how full of love, empathy and care they are for their fellow man, before quickly shoving the blade in between their shoulders. One of the most shocking moments of my life was when a socialist friend of mine proudly proclaimed that those who oppose his philosophy of love and acceptance should be executed. Myself, a pacifist, was repulsed by this statement.

You can’t change someones mind if they are dead. You lost the argument.

I saw this as a clear contradiction in how they; the left, proclaim themselves to be and how they act, an implicit hypocrisy. Perhaps this has been revealing itself so rapidly with the left leaning media which seems preoccupied with tearing itself apart. They shout loudly how moral they are and how much they love their fellow (wo)man but then are quite willing to see them suffer, lose their jobs, mental health and perhaps even their lives, when the outrage mob comes.

She who shouts loudest, has the least to say.

Living in liberal western democracies the freedom to speak one’s own mind is of paramount importance. When this right is occluded by politeness and societal pressures, the suppressed thought gains strength. How many have died in the quest to suppress and control people's beliefs and religion in eras gone by? How many did Bloody Mary murder in her crusade to suppress and remove protestantism from England and enforce her Catholic faith? How many myopics did Pol Pot murder for his agrarian socialist utopia? How many scientists did the church slaughter before we accepted their method in the search for truth?

If the persecution of thought and of word is directly opposed to the success of the counter movement, then perhaps were are in the lead up to a renaissance of liberal (free) thought. The acceptance of the curtailing of thought and opinion is reaching fever pitch, with those who espouse its use turning on their own allies, but the true counter has not yet appeared. We seem to lack the means of fighting the impassioned emotions of others with truth and verifiable facts. This is itself scientifically provable, but yet again redundant in most arguments.

Perhaps what is needed is not to use our weapons but to turn theirs against them. Passion, emotion, confusion, and lies.

Lets build houses of cards, so the children have something worthless to knock down.


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