Male and Female Brains Exist... Get Over It

A Response to the Quartz Article “The biggest myth about our brains is that they are “male” or “female” I just stumbled across this article written some time ago (2017) the proposition that the writer Lila MacLellan is advocating for the is removal of the terms “male” and “female” brains. She begins by stating the work of Daphna Joel from Tel Aviv University. Her research shows that the brain when required can change the structure of neurons from a female state toa male state. So great start begin by admitting that there are two types of neurons present one type primarily in males and the other primarily in females. She then goes on to state that in circumstances of stress; I.e. survival, the brain can change these neurons to the other pattern if required. So there are two types of neurons one male and female and in extreme circumstances they can be changed. Not really disproving your claim is it? After a brief detour to criticize James Damore of Ex-Google Memo fame. She gets back on...